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How Hosting Guests Impacts Your Plumbing

Feb 27, 2020
Entertaining in your home represents a great opportunity to bond with friends or family. Closer proximity means more chances to play, eat, and chat with each other. Unfortunately, having more people in your home, even for a short time, may negatively impact your plumbing. Here’s how.

High-Volume Use

The more people are in your home, you’ll have more dishes to wash, meals to make, and bodies to clean. Your family members understand the rules about your delicate plumbing, but your guests may not.


This increased use can strain your plumbing, especially your toilet. More flushes provide more opportunities for the toilet to clog, especially if you have an older model. Your toilet may overflow, clog, or run.


Preparation provides the best way to avoid this problem. Check your flapper before your guests arrive (it’s the rubber device located at the bottom of the toilet tank). Over time, flappers corrode and become less effective. If your flapper looks deteriorated, have a plumber replace it.

It’s also a good idea to have your plumber snake or hydro-jet the toilet before your guests arrive. This can prevent clogs and resolve any preexisting issues.

Instruct your guests to only flush toilet paper and waste since other materials represent the largest clog culprits.

Increased Water Use

Not only does more use strain your appliances, it also strains your hot water heater.


Heater strain means less hot water for showers, dishes, and cooking. This can represent a huge inconvenience, especially if you’re entertaining during a holiday season. The strain can even damage your heater over time if it’s not properly handled.


To keep the water hot enough for everyone in your home, create a shower schedule. Let the shower rest at least 10 minutes between each use. You can also adjust the water heater temperature to counterbalance the higher demand. Never raise the temperature over 49°C or 120°F. This increases the danger of scalding.

To improve the heater’s performance, have it inspected by a plumber. Over time, many water heaters have sediment build up inside it. A plumber can drain and flush out the sediment to ensure the heater continues working properly.

More Debris in Drains

All of the drains in your home are called on to funnel out more water when you have guests. This also means more debris washes down your drains. Problems

Debris builds up in the pipes below drains, creating clogs and occasionally backflow into your shower and sinks.


Have a plumber clean your drains regularly. Call one in right before your guests arrive. Then ensure the drains stay clear by taking the following steps:
  • Cover the drain with a strainer. Manufacturers make strainers specifically designed for kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, and bathtub or shower drains.
  • Clean the drains after your guests use them, especially after showers. This prevents sneaky debris like long hairs from gumming up your drains.
  • Place a trashcan in the bathroom. When guests don’t find a trashcan, they may feel more tempted to flush waste down the toilet. This includes cotton balls, feminine hygiene products, face wipes, and other substances that don’t break down properly once flushed.
  • Set up guidelines about what comes into contact with your drains. Never put fatty, hard, stringy, or starchy foods into your garbage disposal. Fat solidifies in the pipes, creating blockages. Other difficult foods can impede the processing blades or even break the disposal.
Address any specific concerns you have with a trusted plumber.

You don’t have to wait until your guests are on your doorstep to protect your plumbing. Routine maintenance and annual inspections catch and resolve problems early on. This ensures your plumbing remains functional, even with a little extra stain.
29 Feb, 2020
For toilets pricing and installation in Marco Island, Naples, Estero, Myers FL and surrounding areas, please call 239-597-9997.
28 Feb, 2020
For toilets pricing and installation in Marco Island, Naples, Estero, Myers FL and surrounding areas, please call 239-597-9997.
27 Feb, 2020
How to Prep Your Home’s Plumbing for Spring Certain areas of Florida see more moisture than other areas. You work your hardest to keep water out of your home, but what happens if your home’s plumbing fails you? You don’t want to let the problem run rampant, and you definitely shouldn’t have to deal with aftermath of a burst pipe, backed-up tub, or other plumbing issue. As you prepare your home and landscape for springtime, remember to include your home’s plumbing on your to-do list. Follow the five simple steps listed below to prevent any serious plumbing issues and keep your home’s interior as free of water as possible. 1. Stop Leaky Pipes Leaky pipes can cause a large amount of damage to your home’s walls, floors, and structural supports. When these structures become unstable, they can put your family at risk for injury, and your home could need significant repairs. Additionally, the constant, slow stream of moisture provides the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. If you and your loved ones are exposed to these spores, you could become ill or develop serious health issues (such as respiratory problems). You’ll already encounter a lot of moisture in the outside air, so make sure that your home stays free of water and repair any leaky pipes. You may be able to see some leaks easily. For example, if the pipes under your kitchen sink leak, you can spot the problem fairly quickly. But if a leak is further along the pipeline, you’ll need a plumber to fix the issue. To determine if you have a leak, make sure no water is running in your home. Then, stand near your pipes and listen for dripping or running water. You can also look at your water meter or water bill. If the numbers are higher than normal, you probably have a leak. 2. Check Your Appliances for Leaks You’ll also want to check your appliances for leaks. Inspect the toilets, sinks, washers, dishwashers, and water heater for leaks in the piping and tanks. If the appliances do leak, you’ll likely see a puddle of water surrounding them. 3. Unclog Drains If you have clogged drains anywhere in your home, you’ll want to unclog them immediately. Clogs prevent water from flowing away from your home, and that water could backflow into your house. The last thing you want to deal with this spring is repairing water damage caused by an overflowing toilet. Sometimes surface clogs, like hair that rests in the opening of your shower drain, don’t take much effort to remove. However, for clogs that sit deeper in the pipe, you’ll need a plumber to manage the problem. Your plumber will likely use hydro jetting to push the clog out of the pipeline. Additionally, hydro jetting can remove any tree roots that may have broken your pipes and grown in them. Your plumber can even use this service to clean the rest of the pipes in your home so that you reduce the risk of developing a clog later on. 4. Flush Your Water Heater Over time, sediment and mineral deposits build up inside your water heater tank. If left unchecked, that buildup could cause serious problems for your plumbing system. For example, the buildup could prevent water from flowing through your water heater and into your pipes. Or if the buildup becomes too big, it could crack or burst a pipe or a portion of the tank. Contact a plumbing expert and ask him or her to flush the water heater and remove this buildup so you can conveniently enjoy hot water year-round. 5. Inspect Your Backflow Preventer and Cross Connections Depending on where you live, you likely have a backflow preventer somewhere on your property. Additionally, you probably have cross connections as well. The backflow preventer stops contaminants from entering public water sources from your individual pipelines, while the cross connections are devices that connect the various types of piping in your home. The cross connections prevent other substances from getting into your water. For example, the connections carry solids, gases, chemicals, and other liquids that alter the quality, taste, color, and odor of your water. To ensure that your home has a clean water supply, and to keep public water sources clean for your neighbors, have your backflow preventer and cross connections inspected. If a big storm hits, you’ll also want to have these devices inspected soon after to prevent contaminants from entering the water supply near your home. Take the steps listed above to prepare your home’s plumbing for the spring weather. Remember to get in touch with a plumbing professional to perform many of these complex tasks. As you rely on a certified technician to perform these tasks, you reduce your risk for encountering issues in the future. You also ensure that your plumbing system works properly all season long. Additionally, look for a plumber who offers emergency plumbing services—just in case you encounter a plumbing issue unexpectedly. Want more tips about how a plumber can keep your home’s plumbing in optimal condition? Read through our other blog posts. You’ll find various articles that address a number of concerns and issues.
27 Feb, 2020
From heated bathroom floors to residential urinals, you can incorporate a variety of unique features into your bathroom to create a one-of-a-kind experience. Need a little inspiration? You can find some of the most unusual, helpful, and interesting appliances below. Toilets 1. Bidets After doing your business, bidets offer a more environmentally friendly method of cleanup. Instead of requiring the use of toilet paper, bidets spray water to clean you. 2. Heated seats Don’t like the shock or discomfort of sitting on a cold toilet? Heated seats can come to your rescue. They don’t use much electricity, and some seats even come with timers so they only heat when you want them to do so. 3. Lighted toilet seats Waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom can seem like a traumatic experience. The bright bathroom light burns into your eyes, or you stub your toes as you feel your way forward in the dark. Luckily, lighted toilet seats emits a softer, more pleasant light, allowing you to find and use the toilet in the dark. 4. Self-closing lids Toilet lids that slam shut can damage your toilet. To avoid this, self-closing lids close slowly and without you having to guide them. Depending on the model, you can give the lid a little push or a motion sensor will automatically shut the lid when you finish using the toilet. 5. Separate toilets in the master bedroom For some couples, the toilet becomes a source of contention. She might complain about the cleanliness, or he might complain the direction of the toilet paper. One unusual but effective solution to this problem is to have two toilets in the master bedroom. This way, each person has his or her own toilet. Showers and bathtubs 1. Touchpad faucets A touchpad faucet is a high-tech feature that lets you have the perfect bath. You can enjoy the exact temperature you want with the touch of a finger. The touchpad also warns you if the water is too hot, which is especially useful when giving baths to little children or the elderly. 2. Bathtub for two If you and your partner like taking baths together but have a hard time fitting in the same tub, try a bathtub for two. In a yingyang-like shape, each person has his or her own tub, but sits close enough to the other to allow activities such as hand-holding and talking. This also enables couples to enjoy a bath at a temperature they each enjoy. Sinks 1. No-handle faucets If you don’t like maneuvering a handle, opt for touch or sensor faucet. With the touch faucet, press a finger on the faucet head to turn on the water. With the sensor faucet, you don’t have to touch anything; simply hold your hands under the spout and water will flow. Although you can find these types of faucets in commercial restrooms, you can easily request one for your home as well. 2. Color-changing water faucets Some types of faucets can have water that changes color based on the temperature of the water. This can act as a safety feature as well as an interest-provoking focal point. Some models even provide a flat faucet head that provides a softer flow of water. 3. Ceiling-mounted faucets Have you ever wanted a waterfall in your house? Ceiling-mounted faucets provide that effect. Streams of water pour from the ceiling, adding a touch of romance to your hand-washing experience. No matter what type of bathroom you have, you need to maintain and upkeep your appliances so they keep working for you. Be sure to call your plumber to safely install or repair any of these features.
27 Feb, 2020
For toilets pricing and installation in Marco Island, Naples, Estero, Myers FL and surrounding areas, please call 239-597-9997.
27 Feb, 2020
For toilets pricing and installation in Marco Island, Naples, Estero, Myers FL and surrounding areas, please call 239-597-9997.
27 Feb, 2020
For toilets pricing and installation in Marco Island, Naples, Estero, Myers FL and surrounding areas, please call 239-597-9997.
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